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Writing Opportunities



Submit Your Content


Writing an article or blog post is a great way to demonstrate your expertise and gain recognition among industry peers and colleagues. We make every effort to publish content that is relevant to the commercial real estate industry, and we encourage you to contribute.


  • SIOR Report Articles are typically 700-1400 words.
  • SIOR Pulse blog posts are typically 400-800 words.
  • Submissions must be made in a Microsoft Word file.
  • Photos and graphs can be included with your submission, but must be sent as attachments, and not embedded in the document. Photos must be high-resolution (300 dpi or higher, color preferred) and in a JPEG, TIFF or EPS format.
  • Supply the title, byline, bio of the author, picture of the author, and a brief outline or synopsis of the content.
  • Submissions must be exclusive and not previously published anywhere else prior to submission. Per the author agreement, you may publish your content with permission from SIOR and proper credit and linking back to our site, after your content has been published.
  • We cannot guarantee placement in the SIOR Report magazine or SIOR Pulse blog, and we reserve the right to make modifications to submitted content.
  • You can submit your idea or material to media@sior.com. We will then contact you to discuss possible next steps.



For guaranteed placement of content, we do offer sponsored content opportunities. Learn more here.