Hero Hero

Member Associate



Intended for those early in their career with at least one year of experience. Member Associates benefit from professional development, early career resources, mentorship, networking with industry leaders, and opportunities to build business.  

Applicants must have at least one (1) and no more than eight (8) years’ of 3rd party brokerage experience as industrial and/or office brokers at the time of submitting an application.

Uphold high ethic standards of practice and pled to uphold SIOR's Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practice by completing SIOR's online ethics course.

Access the online Ethics & Professional Standards course here.

Obtain a Mentor, who is an Active Individual Member in the applicant’s Chapter. The Mentor is responsible for providing guidance and advice while the Member Associate is working towards earning the SIOR designation.

Obtain one formal nominations from an Active Designee in the applicant’s Chapter. The nominator can be from the applicant’s firm or firm’s network. The Mentor is eligible to provide the endorsement.

GFI is the fee income directly attributable to the applicant before the firm takes its split. If an applicant works on a team then the GFI the applicant counts should reflect the internal team split. GFI requirements are set by the local Chapter. View GFI Requirements by market.

Applicants must demonstrate at least 50% of the GFI requirement in the selected specialty type for their market in any 12 months out of the previous 18 months immediately preceding the application and submit a signed GFI Affidavit.


Membership Term
Member Associates can maintain Member Associate status for a maximum of six years. Within six years, the Member Associate should meet the requirements to earn the SIOR designation. 

Member Associates must meet one full year of the GFI requirement within three years.

Conference Attendance 
Member Associates must attend one SIOR Conference within three years and are welcome to attend all SIOR Conferences.

Educational Courses
Complete one (1) in-person Next Level Series Course and attend any four (4) SIOR webinars in the same calendar year, within 3 years of joining.

Chapter Events
Member Associates must attend 50% of open Chapter events.

Member Associates should meet regularly with their Mentor and report progress towards earning the SIOR designation. The Mentor will verify the Member Associate’s production, SIOR Conference attendance, and completion of the coursework.

Member Associates must fulfill annual SIOR and Chapter dues obligations.

Fast Track
Member associates that meet the full GFI requirement at four years’ experience may apply for the SIOR designation without meeting the 5 years’ experience requirement.

Applying for the SIOR Designation
When a Member Associate has completed the SIOR designation education requirement and meets both the experience and production requirements, s/he is eligible to apply for the SIOR designation. The Member Associate must submit a new application and proceed through the standard admissions process.

Prepare an Application

  • Review and confirm eligibility of the requirements.

Submit Step 1 of the Application

  • Obtain 1 nomination from Designee in Chapter (this can be your mentor).

Submit Step 2 of the Application

  • Confirm GFI amount and obtain signed Member Associate GFI Affidavit
  • Identify an active designee in the applicant’s chapter to serve as a mentor, obtain a signed Member Associate Mentor Affidavit
  • Finalize online application.

Application Submitted

  • Manager of Admissions reviews application. Once received and approved will move your application to the Chapter interview stage.
  • Chapter Interview. The chapter has 30 days to review the application and conduct an interview with the applicant.
  • Complete ethics course. Applicants must complete the ethics course before becoming a new member.

  • Application Fee: $175
  • Online Ethics Course: $350
  • Annual Dues: $515 (first year prorated)

SIOR Chapter Membership and Dues
Chapter membership is required and contingent upon approval of membership in SIOR. Member Associates members within a Chapter's jurisdiction must fulfill applicable chapter dues. Please contact the local Chapter for dues requirements.

SIOR’s application processing procedure, conducted pursuant to the terms of SIOR’s Bylaws, seeks to assure that applicants are fully and fairly evaluated in terms of qualification criteria as stated in the SIOR Bylaws.

**Member Associates do not pay NAR dues

Applicants must have at least one (1) and no more than eight (8) years’ of 3rd party brokerage experience as industrial and/or office brokers at the time of submitting an application.

Uphold high ethic standards of practice and pled to uphold SIOR's Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practice by completing SIOR's online ethics course.

Access the online Ethics & Professional Standards course here.

Obtain a Mentor, who is an Active Individual Member in the applicant’s Chapter. The Mentor is responsible for providing guidance and advice while the Member Associate is working towards earning the SIOR designation.

Obtain one formal nominations from an Active Designee in the applicant’s Chapter. The nominator can be from the applicant’s firm or firm’s network. The Mentor is eligible to provide the endorsement.

GFI is the fee income directly attributable to the applicant before the firm takes its split. If an applicant works on a team then the GFI the applicant counts should reflect the internal team split. GFI requirements are set by the local Chapter. View GFI Requirements by market.

Applicants must demonstrate at least 50% of the GFI requirement in the selected specialty type for their market in any 12 months out of the previous 18 months immediately preceding the application and submit a signed GFI Affidavit.


Membership Term
Member Associates can maintain Member Associate status for a maximum of six years. Within six years, the Member Associate should meet the requirements to earn the SIOR designation. 

Member Associates must meet one full year of the GFI requirement within three years.

Conference Attendance 
Member Associates must attend one SIOR Conference within three years and are welcome to attend all SIOR Conferences.

Educational Courses
Complete one (1) in-person Next Level Series Course and attend any four (4) SIOR webinars in the same calendar year, within 3 years of joining.

Chapter Events
Member Associates must attend 50% of open Chapter events.

Member Associates should meet regularly with their Mentor and report progress towards earning the SIOR designation. The Mentor will verify the Member Associate’s production, SIOR Conference attendance, and completion of the coursework.

Member Associates must fulfill annual SIOR and Chapter dues obligations.

Fast Track
Member associates that meet the full GFI requirement at four years’ experience may apply for the SIOR designation without meeting the 5 years’ experience requirement.

Applying for the SIOR Designation
When a Member Associate has completed the SIOR designation education requirement and meets both the experience and production requirements, s/he is eligible to apply for the SIOR designation. The Member Associate must submit a new application and proceed through the standard admissions process.

Prepare an Application

  • Review and confirm eligibility of the requirements.

Submit Step 1 of the Application

  • Obtain 1 nomination from Designee in Chapter (this can be your mentor).

Submit Step 2 of the Application

  • Confirm GFI amount and obtain signed Member Associate GFI Affidavit
  • Identify an active designee in the applicant’s chapter to serve as a mentor, obtain a signed Member Associate Mentor Affidavit
  • Finalize online application.

Application Submitted

  • Manager of Admissions reviews application. Once received and approved will move your application to the Chapter interview stage.
  • Chapter Interview. The chapter has 30 days to review the application and conduct an interview with the applicant.
  • Complete ethics course. Applicants must complete the ethics course before becoming a new member.

  • Application Fee: $175
  • Online Ethics Course: $350
  • Annual Dues: $515 (first year prorated)

SIOR Chapter Membership and Dues
Chapter membership is required and contingent upon approval of membership in SIOR. Member Associates members within a Chapter's jurisdiction must fulfill applicable chapter dues. Please contact the local Chapter for dues requirements.

SIOR’s application processing procedure, conducted pursuant to the terms of SIOR’s Bylaws, seeks to assure that applicants are fully and fairly evaluated in terms of qualification criteria as stated in the SIOR Bylaws.

**Member Associates do not pay NAR dues