About Member Associate Program

Michael Connor, SIOR
Senior Director of Hanna Langholz Wilson Ellis

Casey Flannery
Senior Associate of Foundry Commercial
"We’re really excited about the prospect of achieving full membership. We’ve already enjoyed the benefits of being Candidate Members thus far, but look forward to full SIOR designation. One of our bigger deals came out of attending the LA Conference over two years ago. Had we not attended this event (as Member Associate’s) we would not have procured this transaction and the development deals that will follow. " - Former Member Associate
“I always knew that I wanted to get the SIOR designation. This was a great way for me to get in organization, take the designation courses, and attend some conference while I built up my experience. I think it’s a great gateway to become a designee. Attending the conferences were a great opportunity to get to meet people and recognize the real value of the designation.” - Adam Kaduce, SIOR
“I would highly recommend the Member Associate program. The earlier you sign up, the more benefit you will receive in preparing to earn your SIOR designation. Choosing the right mentor and using him/her to introduce you to the SIOR program and benefits as well as network with other SIORs is invaluable.”
“The program kept me focused on ultimately achieving the goal of becoming a designee. It allowed me to go to meetings, and interact with other SIORs in other markets, further validating that SIOR is a great organization to be a part of.” - Dave Matthews, SIOR
About Partnering & Working With SIORs

Josh Nida
Senior Regional Director of Sealy & Company

Jeffery Rinko
CEO of Lee & Associates

Peter Drake
Senior VP of Bank of America

Tim Hayes
Executive Director of AIR CRE
"Some organizations talk of change, while others act and get it done. SIOR has clearly stepped up its game in a major way and it shows in everything they are doing. SIOR’s energy and voice has never been louder in the industry and is amplifying the exposure of everyone involved with SIOR. Its impressive. " - Duke Long, EIR, Second Century Ventures & NAR REACH
"When I became heavily involved [with SIOR] at the local and global level, I found that it had quality people who had demonstrated their success and adhere to an ethic and a level of professional standard that is uncompromising. That's a benefit that you can't replicate, and I was very attracted to that." - Joe Almeida, SIOR
"I highly value the SIOR designation. As a matter of fact, SIOR's online Membership Directory is a valuable tool I use when selecting a provider of commercial real estate services. Having an SIOR on my team gives me great confidence that I shall be represented by a person whose expertise and ethics have been certified."
"A significant plus is that SIOR covers so many markets and countries. So virtually any place I have an assignment, I can find an SIOR to advise me in my efforts." - Kevin Dollhopf, Hanesbrands, Inc.
"SIOR has been invaluable in executing client assignments. SIOR is the first contact we make in every city we visit for local market expertise and insight." - John Robbins, SIOR
"SIOR is such a great group. People could not have been more appreciative of our support. SIOR members are really of the highest caliber - I can see why they are passionate about the organization and their enthusiasm is contagious!” - Kate Dougherty, CenterPoint Properties
About Our Conferences

Ryan Moen, SIOR
Principal & CoFounder of VERSA

Chad Griffiths, SIOR
Partner of NAI Commercial

Peter Drake
Senior VP of Bank of America
“We have never left an SIOR Global conference without a significant number of leads. It’s truly a special culture.” -Obie Walli, Co-Founder of Dealius
“Every time I leave a convention, it’s somehow the best we’ve ever had. They just keep getting better and better.” - Joyce Slone, SIOR
"From sunrise to sunset, every moment was an opportunity to learn, connect, and grow alongside industry leaders and innovators. A special shoutout to our amazing hosts and speakers who made this day truly memorable." - Sher Tolan, SIOR
"The enthusiasm only grows. Brokers from around the globe are inspiring one another and making connections like never before. We're proud to be part of such a transformative experience for the CRE industry." - SIOR Canada Central Chapter
“SIOR has an electric, enthusiastic, and contagious vibe. Great conference — time well spent.” - Craig Meyer, SIOR
“The entire team at SIOR headquarters continues to raise the bar. I have never been more proud to be an SIOR!” - Scott Savacool, SIOR
Joining SIOR is hands down the best thing I have done in my time in commercial real estate. To be in the company of such successful and generous colleagues this past week was truly a privilege and so energizing. For sure, I am “all in"!" - Fall 2023 Event Attendee
"Every time I leave a convention, it’s somehow the best we’ve ever had. They just keep getting better and better." - Fall 2023 Event Attendee
"What an incredible SIOR conference with so many incredible leaders, innovative ideas, and opportunities to collaborate with current and new peers!" - Fall 2023 Event Attendee
"I just wanted to say congratulations on such an amazing and successful conference!! Everyone I spoke to had an incredible time. From an event perspective, the conference was incredibly organized, well thought out and planned to perfection!! It was a pleasure to be a part of it!!" - Jenny Faucher, Chapter Administrator, SIOR Canada Central Chapter
I just wanted to say THANK YOU! The SIOR Fall Conference was such a huge success for everyone involved. Out of all the events we do every year, this is by far the BEST. Such great people, very appreciative of our sponsorship efforts, and they all have made sincere efforts to promote Ductilcrete in their markets. We are very proud to sponsor and will continue to do so for all future events." - Cheryl Cappelli, Ductilcrete Slab Systems, LLC
About Volunteering
"It is a privilege to contribute to the guidance of such exceptional organization. I am truly grateful to reciprocate the support and value I have received from this cherished institution throughout my journey." - David Lockwood, SIOR
"I am incredibly excited and honored to serve SIOR Global and its members over the next few years. SIOR continues to lead the CRE industry into the future." - Mike Ohmes, SIOR
"I enjoy volunteering with SIOR because it helps move the industry forward and foster a culture of excellence!" - Cory LaDuke, SIOR
"[Volunteering at SIOR is important because] maintaining high ethics among our members is what in my opinion separates us from other Commercial Real Estate organizations." - John R. Steinbauer, SIOR
"I find that by volunteering to serve on committees, I develop more meaningful relationships and I have more input in planning events and services for other members of the organization. I try to listen to designees and use my own thoughts to work on projects that will be timely, interesting and help us sharpen our skills. I've always believed that it makes a difference when people care and put in time to help organizations run well. - Michael Feuerman, SIOR
"I look at it as an obligation (although one I love!) to give back to the industry that has given so much to me and my family!" - Patrick Sentner, SIOR
About Courses & Education
"Attending educational courses began as a way to earn my SIOR designation but has proven to be so much more. The instructors have decades of experience and the information shared is just a few short days is invaluable. The connections I made with my fellow attendees have not only led to numerous transactions, but meaningful friendships that extend well beyond business." - Patrick Gilmore, SIOR, The Flynn Company
"In 2022, I earned my SIOR designation to continue expanding my opportunities with the elite commercial and industrial real estate deal makers and take that next step forward in my CRE career." -Jeff Kurtz, SIOR, High Associates
"I want to thank SIOR for the great programming that’s been provided during this very unusual period. You’ve added significant value to my membership and brought us closer together as an organization.” - Michael Waldvogel, SIOR
"The quality of the professionals who devoted their time and experience to the courses was outstanding. The material was on-point and applicable to everyday business, the camaraderie the group developed will certainly lead to some lasting relationships, and the management of the course was first-rate." - Trevor Ragsdale, SIOR
About Our Products & Services
On our SIOR Report Magazine -
"The current edition of the SIOR report that I received in the mail this week is without question the best edition of the report that I ever remember receiving. It was full of fantastic articles as well as Society related information and thicker than I ever remember an SIOR report to be. Congratulations on the outstanding work. It makes me proud to be a member of the Society." - Steven Podolsky, SIOR, Podolsky Circle/ CORFAC International
"I just flipped through SIOR Report and wanted to quickly say "thank you" for the update to the layout. The clean, crisp pages and larger format makes me feel good about SIOR and being a proud member." - John Culbertson, SIOR, Cardinal Partners