Headquarter Highlights - Fall 2019 Edition of Chapter News
SIOR Arizona Chapter Learns about Standing Out
The SIOR Arizona Chapter hosted inspirational speaker Lonnie Mayne of Red Shoes Living at the penthouse suite of the Camelback Hotel in Scottsdale, Ariz. Mayne spoke on his philosophy of living life and doing business like you are wearing red shoes. This philosophy encourages members to stand out in everything they do, both in leadership positions and in life.
SIOR Canada Central Chapter Honors 2018 Broker of the Year Awardees
(L- R) Rob Renaud, SIOR; Goran Brelih, SIOR; Colin Alves, SIOR; Brett Armstrong; Michael Scace; and Peter Garrigan, SIOR.The SIOR Canada Central Chapter hosted its 2018 Broker of the Year Awards on Dec. 4 at the spectacular King Edward Hotel in Toronto. The annual event celebrating excellence in the real estate industry was attended by over 220 guests. Colin Alves, SIOR, was awarded Industrial Broker of the Year.
SIOR Chicago Chapter Gives for the Holidays

At its holiday party on Dec. 1, the SIOR Chicago Chapter awarded five (5) scholarships to local Chicago-area university students. Lillian Yool, Roosevelt University; Alexander Hansen, Northwestern University; Aana Tsakiris, University of Illinois; Brandon Crawford, DePaul University; and Sarah Eisenberg, Roosevelt University each received a $3,000 scholarship to continue studies in business or real estate at their respective schools.
SIOR Connecticut / Western Massachusetts Chapter Elects Chapter Board at Winter Meeting
(L-R) Michael Guidicelli, SIOR; Tom Pajolek, SIOR; Joe Caruso; Jeff Ryer, SIOR; and Art Ross, SIORThe SIOR Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter held its annual winter meeting and dinner at the New Haven Country Club on Dec. 6 in New Haven, Conn. Over 40 members, guests, and sponsors attended the event which was sponsored by The Guilford Savings Bank. Chapter members unanimously elected Art Ross, SIOR, as the 2019 Chapter president; Michael Guidicelli, SIOR, as Chapter vice president; and Phil Gagnon, SIOR, as Chapter secretary/treasurer. Outgoing Chapter president, Jeff Ryer, SIOR, was acknowledged for his many contributions to the Chapter over the past few years. Following dinner, Joe Caruso, director of Corporate Real Estate at Yale New Haven Health System, presented on the company’s impact and future as the second largest employer in Connecticut.
SIOR Connecticut / Western Massachusetts Chapter Sponsors March of Dimes

For the third year in a row, 10 members of the SIOR Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter attended the Fairfield County Real Estate Award Breakfast held at the Stamford Hilton in Stamford, Conn. More than $400,000 was raised for March of Dimes at the event.
SIOR DFW / North Texas Chapter Hosts October Social at Maplewood
Blake Anderson, SIOR, and Chapter president, Stephen Cooper, SIOR
Stephen Cooper, SIOR, and Matthew JohnsonOn Oct. 3, the SIOR DFW/North Texas Chapter hosted a social event at the Maplewood in the Dallas area with 71 attendees. The Chapter elected and instated incoming officers, as well honored 2018 Chapter president, Stephen Cooper, SIOR. The Chapter partnered with the SIOR Foundation to present two (2) $5,000 scholarships to real estate students, Matthew Johnson, University of Texas at Austin; and Brent Shrauner, Texas Tech.
SIOR European Regional Chapter Hosts Networking Lunch in Dublin
Brent Pope speaking at the European Regional Chapter’s holiday lunch.Thirty-two members and guests of the SIOR European Regional Chapter came together in Dublin on Dec. 5 for a networking lunch sponsored by The FKM Group at the historic Members’ Club Dining Room of the Royal Dublin Society. As the keynote speaker, New Zealand-born rugby television analyst, Brent Pope, treated guests to wise words and sports stories.
After lunch, members from Italy, Ireland, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the UK continued the fun at “Mary Macs” for more chat and “craic.”
SIOR Florida Chapter Donates to Hurricane Support Effort
(L-R) Jimmy Nystrom, SIOR; Lawrence Hartung, SIOR; J.R. Steinbauer, Jr., SIOR; David Mica, Jr.; and Daniel Wagnon, SIORThe SIOR Florida Chapter donated $3,000 to Rebuild 850/The Florida Disaster Fund to assist Florida’s communities in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael.
J.R. Steinbauer, Jr., SIOR, 2019 Chapter president, was joined by three members in the Tallahassee area to present the check.
AMB Group CEO Inspires at SIOR Georgia Chapter’s Annual Leadership Breakfast
(L-R) Howard Boyd, SIOR; Frank Simpson SIOR; Steve Cannon; Brad Pope, SIOR; and Ben Logue, SIOROn Oct. 2, the SIOR Georgia Chapter hosted Steve Cannon, CEO of AMB Group, LLC, to speak at its Annual Leadership Breakfast. Cannon is the company’s lead for AMB Group’s for-profit businesses, including the Atlanta Falcons, Mercedes Benz Stadium, and the Atlanta United, among others. Held at the Cobb Energy and Performing Arts Centre in Atlanta, the Leadership Breakfast featured a fireside chat, moderated by Brad Pope, SIOR, where Cannon shared his stories on life, leadership, service, and success. Cannon also shared how he met Home Depot co-founder and owner of the Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta United, Arthur Blank, and made one of the largest real estate deals in Atlanta.
Developers Present to SIOR Inland Empire and Orange County Chapter
(L-R) Scott Sanders, SIOR; Steve Young; Jace Gan; Doug McGilvray; and Ty Newland, SIOROn Nov. 8, the SIOR Inland Empire and Orange County Chapter met for its annual developer forum at the Red O Restaurant in Newport Beach, Calif. More than 80 attendees networked in the outdoor patio area. Following dinner, attendees enjoyed informative presentations provided by several of Southern California’s top real estate development firms, including Alere Property Group, Black Creek Group, Cap Rock Partners, EBS Realty Partners, Rockefeller Group, Shea Properties, and Western Realco.
SIOR Inland Empire and Orange County Chapter Scores a Birdie
On Nov. 19, the SIOR Inland Empire and Orange County Chapter held its annual Golf Tournament at Coto De Caza Golf Club in Coto de Caza, Calif. More than 100 golfers started early in the morning with a putting contest, followed by nine holes on the North Course. Attendees enjoyed a BBQ lunch and an 8-team ‘Horse Race’ playoff round, concluding the day at the course with networking
SIOR Memphis Chapter Hosts Fall Luncheon
On Oct. 23, the SIOR Memphis Chapter hosted its fall luncheon for 25 members and guests at the Chickasaw Country Club in Memphis, Tenn. Keynote speaker Eric Miller, senior vice president of economic development with the Greater Memphis Chamber, and special guest Richard Smith, president and CEO of FedEx Trade Networks, discussed projects that are on the horizon for Memphis, as well as the importance of labor resources, Memphis’ place in a global economy, and the role of commercial real estate in the area.
SIOR Minnesota Chapter Hosts Member Appreciation Happy Hour
(L-R) 2018 awardee Mike Salmen, SIOR, with 2017 recipient, Aaron Barnard, SIOR.On Dec. 6, the SIOR Minnesota Chapter presented the Robert P. Boblett Award to Mike Salmen, SIOR, in recognition and appreciation of his dedication, distinguished service, and long-standing commitment to the ideals and standards of SIOR, and for his unselfish efforts to inspire others to reach their greatest potential in the real estate profession. The Robert P. Boblett Award is the highest honor given by the SIOR Minnesota Chapter. Salmen, a 14-year SIOR member, was the 2015 Chapter president and is a current member of the Chapter board.
SIOR Northeast Chapters Hold Successful Northeast Regional Conference
(L-R) Gabriel Silverstein, SIOR; Jude Tarasca, Special Agent, FBI; Barbara Daly, Special Agent, FBI; and Steven Marshall, Area Senior Vice President, Arthur J. GallagherIn early November, the Northeast Region Chapters teamed up with the SIOR Philadelphia Chapter to host more than 100 SIORs and sponsors at the Northeast Regional Conference. Bank of America Merrill Lynch hosted the conference at the Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park in New York City. Events included a cocktail party hosted by Servcorp on the 85th floor of 1 World Trade Center, followed by dinner at Morton’s. Attendees heard presentations on active shooter situations and terrorist attacks from two former FBI agents who discussed office safety and how to spot a potential shooter.
SIOR Northern California Chapter Throws Holiday Bash on Bay
(L-R) Incoming SIOR Northern California Chapter president, Ed Hofer, SIOR, and outgoing Chapter president John Hans, SIOR, share holiday cheer at the luncheon. The SIOR Northern California Chapter’s 2018 annual holiday lunch was held Dec. 6 at the St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco with 110 Chapter members, corporate sponsors, and industry friends in attendance. The luncheon was followed by an awards presentation. The Chapter was pleased to welcome immediate SIOR Past President Del Markward, SIOR, to the event. Markward shared insights about the organization on a global scale and how the industry is faring.
SIOR Philadelphia Chapter Hosts Poppin’ Holiday Party

On Dec. 6, the SIOR Philadelphia Chapter celebrated its holiday party with over 40 members, guests, and prospects in attendance. The party, held at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, included dinner at the Union League and a performance by local orchestra, the Philly POPS. During the celebrations, 2018 Chapter president, Steve Willems, SIOR, was recognized for outstanding leadership.
SIOR Pittsburgh, Western Pennsylvania, and Northern West Virginia Chapter Crowns its Industrialist of the Year
(L-R) Patrick Sentner, SIOR; Diane Holder; Amy Broadhurst, SIOR; and Jack O’Donoghue, SIOROn Nov. 7, the SIOR Pittsburgh, Western Pennsylvania, and Northern West Virginia Chapter honored Diane Holder, president and CEO of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s UPMC Health Plan, at its 66th Industrialist of the Year Award Dinner. UPMC is one of the nation’s leading integrated wellness delivery systems, providing health coverage and benefit management for 3.4 million people in Pennsylvania. There were more than 200 attendees at the event, which took place at the historical Duquesne Club in Pittsburgh.
SIOR Upstate New York Chapter Explores the Area with VIP Structures
Members of SIOR Upstate New York Chapter tour the Post Standard Building.On Dec. 5, the SIOR Upstate New York Chapter held a Chapter meeting at the Post Standard Building in Syracuse, N.Y. Building owner, VIP Structures, hosted the event, providing a tour and presentation on several of their projects. Thirty-two guests attended, including a combination of both SIOR members and prospects. SIOR Global vice president, Pat Sentner, SIOR, also attended.