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SIOR Foundation President's Letter

By: Chris Curtis, SIOR

SIOR Foundation President's Letter

Dear SIOR Members and Friends,

This past November, the SIOR Foundation held its annual Phonathon in New Orleans. While everyone had a great time getting together with their fellow trustees, some serious work was done. We had a record number of pledges come in, totaling over $273,000! If you haven’t sent in your payment yet, or are unsure if you paid, please call SIOR Foundation’s Corrine Nowak as soon as possible at 202.449.8208.


Aside from monetary donations, you help the SIOR Foundation by getting involved! Be your chapter’s champion and encourage leadership to create or expand scholarship programs. Determine ways for your chapter members to have a greater impact on the next generation by creating educational programming and events at local universities. Events such as the Florida University Challenge and Berkeley Bus Tours can truly leave a deep and lasting impression of SIOR and how amazing it is to be a part of the commercial real estate industry. Nothing beats the personal guidance and support of a seasoned industry veteran to encourage students who are undecided on their career paths.

Think about having your chapter invite students to chapter events or sponsoring outstanding scholars to attend a World SIOR Conference. John Faur, a senior at Creighton University was invited to attend the Fall World Conference in Portland by the SIOR Iowa-Nebraska Chapter. John stated afterwards, “My experience at the conference was second to none. I was introduced to brokers from around the globe and heard so many incredible stories of their experiences in brokerage. I was pleasantly surprised at how the designees took the time to provide guidance, lessons, and advice to all the student attendees, reminding us that they were once in our shoes and inspired us to keep working hard.”

The personal interaction and encouragement from SIORs can be just the thing a student needs to cement their decision in becoming part of the commercial real estate community. Check out our website for more information on how your chapter can become more involved with the SIOR Foundation.

Finally, if you are in search of a truly gratifying and rewarding experience, consider becoming a trustee. If you would like to become more active with the SIOR Foundation by joining this amazing group of dedicated and hardworking brokers, please contact Aaron Barnard, SIOR, at 952.465.3372 or aaron.barnard@cushwake.com.

For more information about the SIOR Foundation and its programs, please visit our website at www.siorfoundation.org or contact Corrine Nowak, Foundation Director at cnowak@sior.com


Chris Curtis, SIOR


Media Contact
Alexis Fermanis SIOR Director of Communications
Chris Curtis, SIOR
Chris Curtis, SIOR
Nugent Curtis Real Estate

Chris Curtis, SIOR, is a principal at Nugent Curtis Real Estate and is the 2020 sior Foundation President. He is an industrial specialist out of Chicago who specializes in the Central and Eastern regions of Illinois.