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A Look At: Loom

Dec 3, 2020, 09:09 AM
Subtitle : Create shareable screencast videos.
Member i ds : 64580
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The Tech Corner provides reliable technology reviews provided by the SIOR Technology Committee.


Loom is a free video recording tool that gets your message across instantly through shareable videos. Recording can be done for Mac, Windows, and Chromebooks, and allows you to share what’s on your screen with anyone you’d like.


There are three ways to use Loom: you can record your screen, your face, or both. To access Loom, activate the extension on your Chrome browser or download the app to your laptop, desktop, or iPhone (at this time, Loom may not be available for Android). Simply follow the prompts as to how you want to record (screen, face, or both) and start recording. It’s that simple! You can copy and share the video link via email, download it to Youtube, or embed in your website or blog. Your video will also be saved in your Loom Library. Loom allows you to save up to 100 videos free of charge. Subscription plans are available for teams and enterprises that allow more control and features over the recordings.


Even before COVID-19, Loom has been a helpful technology. It provided an easy way to review contracts and written negotiations line by line when you can’t be in front of someone or prefer them to digest the information before handling questions. However, with social distancing, Loom has proven especially helpful by allowing us to connect with others and deep dive into technicalities, demonstrate market research findings, give client feedback, and lead our remote teams. It won’t replace human interaction, but when you need to communicate information and might not want/need immediate feedback, Loom is an easy to use option to check out.

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