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Maersk Prime Logistics Warehouse

Dec 31, 2020, 16:44 PM
Subtitle : Belgium Case Study
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SIOR members close big deals in a big way. Select transaction case studies are featured in the SIOR Report so readers can learn both about and from the expertise of our members.

Date: April  2020

Transaction Type: Lease

Property Type: Industrial

Size: 192,600 sq. ft.

Sale Price: €7,198,200

The Coronavirus pandemic has not only caused negative effects, but also significant structural changes. Companies are adapting their strategies and methods to match the changes in our ways of consuming. Consequently, e-commerce is booming all over the world. Maersk, a company developing solutions to meet customer needs from one end of the supply chain to the other, did not want to miss the boat. To facilitate the increase in e-commerce activity, Maersk needed to expand their warehouse capacity, preferably as close as possible to their current logistics facility with the ultimate goal of one large logistics campus.

“Thanks to outstanding service of our broker Christophe we realized a fix lease transaction with landlord Logicor. This resulted in a fantastic warehouse facility, adjacent to our existing logistics campus which caused bigger economies of scale. Just amazing.”
Luc De Beukelaar, MAERSK
Client Profile
  • Rise in e-commerce activity, combined with other business
  • Extra warehouse capacity near existing facility on the same logistics campus
  • Creation of logistics campus on a single location
Transaction Profile
  • Owner is Logicor, a leading industrial real estate investor, active in the EU and UK
  • Maersk is the largest shipping company in the world
  • The building is a prime asset, located in the best logistics area in Belgium, between Brussels and the 2nd largest port of Europe, Antwerp.
  • Fix lease of 192,600 square feet
  • Perfectly located prime asset building, just across their parking yard.
  • Client needed gradually more space within the direct vicinity of their existing DC.
  • Broker Christophe Wuyts, SIOR negotiated a phased take up
  • Few months of negotiating resulted in a fix lease of the 192.600 square feet warehouse.
  • Realized the ultimate goal of Maersk, with a warehouse just across their parking yard.
  • Extra economies of scale because of the expansion of their current single logistics campus.


Christophe Wuyts, SIOR

Categories :
  • Behind the Deal
  • SIOR Report
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