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SIOR Explores Bold New Possibilities in Driving Premier Education

By: Alexis Fermanis


The foundation of any successful real estate professional begins with the relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation. Leading organizations play a crucial role in this journey by setting the stage for transformative growth and enduring success. There is no better example of this success than what SIOR and the SIOR Foundation have been able to create.


SIOR has always been dedicated to, as its mission states, “inspiring the industrial and office real estate industry by connecting people, knowledge, markets, and opportunities, globally.”

Recognized as the standard of excellence within the industry, SIOR is committed to the practice and maintenance of the highest professional and ethical standards, only designating those who have proven themselves to those standards. With a membership comprising of the most knowledgeable and successful specialists, SIOR is uniquely positioned to continually deliver insights on tomorrow’s trends.

Our commitment to education is exemplified through our Member Associate Program, our newly revamped Next Level Series, cutting-edge webinars, and new partnerships dedicated to the continuous advancement of the global commercial real estate (CRE) community.


As the industry continues to evolve at a rapid pace, SIOR recognizes the importance of driving cutting-edge education and best practices to its current and future members. “Fostering an environment where continuous learning and advancement is essential to remain relevant and continue to represent the best of the best,” says SIOR CEO Robert Thornburgh, SIOR. “By championing new initiatives and elevating existing opportunities, we ensure the future of our organization, and the industry, can thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.”

For more than two years, SIOR has evaluated and improved its education offerings and strategic partnerships to ensure the brightest stars and emerging trends get center stage.

Elevating Professional Education

SIOR has recently elevated two of its programs that provide education and mentorship to the next generation of CRE leaders and prospective SIORs. The Member Associate Program, formerly the Candidate Program, serves as a foundation for career development, providing extensive education, mentorship, and networking opportunities designed specifically for promising industrial and office real estate professionals. It aims to support vetted future leaders who are not yet eligible for the full SIOR designation, equipping them with the necessary tools and resources to advance their careers and achieve a streamlined path toward full SIOR membership.

SIOR’s Next Level Series, formerly known as the Broker Bootcamp Series, was recently reimagined to propel professionals to new heights and take their careers to the, you guessed it, next level. The coursework is constantly evaluated to bring market knowledge and trends in real time. Further, it is delivered by industry veterans, offering a comprehensive suite of courses curated to enhance both knowledge and career trajectories.

“As faculty we continually evolve the curricula and our delivery methods to reflect current trends, knowledge, and technical skills,” says longtime SIOR instructor Robert Nahigian, SIOR. “The new education format is another evolution of how SIOR transitions to meet the next generation of commercial brokers. For SIOR education to be relevant, we need to always be on the bleeding edge of our industry.”

By championing new initiatives and elevating existing opportunities, we ensure the future of our organization, and the industry, can thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

One of the strongest benefits of SIOR membership is the opportunity for global connections and networking. Tapping into this, the revamped Next Level Series is not just about the coursework — it's about fostering a new community and the next class of membership. As part of our strategic plan, SIOR is ramping up the experience and networking opportunities at these courses. Participants not only learn from the best in the industry but also form lasting relationships with fellow classmates and industry leaders.

“Attending educational courses began as a way to earn my SIOR designation but has proven to be so much more,” shares Patrick Gilmore, SIOR, vice president at the Flynn Company. “The instructors have decades of experience and the information shared in just a few short days is invaluable. The connections I made with my fellow attendees have not only led to numerous transactions, but meaningful friendships that extend well beyond business."

At the recent Next Level Series in Dallas, attendees enjoyed an exclusive tour of the NFL Dallas Cowboys' facilities at The Star in Frisco, engaging in insightful sessions with top commercial real estate experts.

He is also seeing more companies looking for flexibility in their leasing agreements. “They no longer want to sign a 10-year lease because they like the idea of expanding or contracting as their business changes,” says Ralston. “I think we’re going to see office buildings become more collaborative spaces. Building owners who make these adjustments will differentiate their buildings in a remarkable way.”

“These experiences create invaluable connections and elevate participants' careers to new heights, blending elite industry knowledge with powerful networking opportunities,” notes SIOR Global President David Lockwood, SIOR. “This is the essence of what sets SIOR apart — providing immersive, impactful learning environments that transform careers.”

In addition to the Next Level Series courses, SIOR has increased the quality of its education at our conferences, inviting industry experts and market leaders to head thought-provoking sessions and join innovative panel discussions. Conference education is open to all attendees, members and nonmembers alike, encouraging professional growth and business development throughout the industry.

E-Learning: Empowering and Connecting Professionals Through Online Education

While SIOR is renowned for its outstanding in-person events, the fast-paced nature of today's society has made ongoing networking and the sharing of best business practices essential. SIOR has been growing its online education offerings and providing more real-time, cutting-edge training that can be accessed from anywhere. New virtual roundtables between select member groups now offer continuous networking opportunities online. Frequent member group and virtual committee calls allow SIOR leaders to connect online, share market trends, and together, develop relevant education content to the wider SIOR and CRE community.

Recent webinars (all available on-demand for SIOR members) have covered a wide array of topics critical to the commercial real estate landscape. Each session is designed to fit the busy schedules of our members, offering on-demand content and interactive virtual learning experiences.


And it doesn’t stop there — SIOR is continuously presenting new ideas to foster interactive discussions, ensuring our next generation of leaders are always on top of the latest market trends. Our new Mastermind Session series, hosted by SIOR’s Young Professional and Member Associate groups, offer effective platforms for open dialogue and an exchange of thoughts and ideas between SIOR members (and at times prospective members).

This is the essence of what sets SIOR apart—providing immersive, impactful learning environments that transform careers.

“Originally, I wanted to obtain my SIOR designation because it was clear that achievement was the gold standard of CRE brokerage,” explains Landon Williams, SIOR. “Now that I have my SIOR designation, I still value the unparalleled level of excellence associated with the network, but I most appreciate the friendships I’ve developed throughout the SIOR platform. I’ve heard the quote, ‘You are the same person five years from now as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.’ The SIOR community has been a major tool for my own personal growth in that same way as a direct consequence of the people I’ve met and the content I’ve absorbed through SIOR.” Knowledge is power, and SIOR is dedicated to equipping current and future industry leaders with accessible, high-quality virtual resources that drive continued success.

Expanding Our Mentorships and Partnerships

Author Paul Solarz once said, "Collaboration allows us to know more than we are capable of knowing by ourselves."

Fostering the next generation of leaders is a cornerstone of SIORs strategic plan. Establishing industry partnership is an important aspect when bringing in fresh perspectives and diverse expertise. Our partnerships with organizations such as CREW, REEC, and BCREN, have been incredibly impactful in identifying, mentoring, and embracing a diverse pool of new CRE professionals.

New education partnerships are paving the way for innovative content and delivery methods to enhance SIOR members and the global real estate community. In 2024, SIOR established a partnership with The Counselors of Real Estate to offer a new webinar series that provides timely, in-depth perspectives on important issues and trends impacting the marketplace.

SIOR recently established the SIOR Foundation as our official Global Education Partner. The SIOR Foundation aims to give back by supporting initiatives that Educate, Enhance, and Expand the CRE community. The SIOR Foundation is also a valued sponsor of educational sessions at SIOR events as well as industry thought-pieces published quarterly in the SIOR Report magazine.

These valuable partnerships underscore our commitment to providing unparalleled educational resources and fostering a sustainable and visionary future for the commercial real estate industry.


At SIOR, we recognize that the demands of the commercial real estate industry are ever-changing. As such, our approach to education must be dynamic and flexible, with a commitment to continuous refinement, especially when that means expanding our programs to meet emerging needs and challenges. Our goal is to empower our members, partners, and prospects with the knowledge and skills required to excel in a competitive marketplace. By cultivating a culture of continuous learning, SIOR consistently pushes the boundaries of possibility in commercial real estate. This forward-thinking approach keeps us at the forefront of the industry, setting new standards of excellence on a global scale. In this unpredictable world, staying ahead of the curve isn't just a goal — it's a necessity.

“It is a privilege to be a part of the faculty and to learn and grow among both industry veterans and eager SIOR candidates as they pursue their designation,” says SIOR Lease Agreements instructor James Hochman. “The beauty of our format is the opportunity for a unique exchange of experience and insight. No two classes are ever exactly alike, and the content is always timely. Insights offered (and gained, indeed even by our instructors) continue to enrich the quality representation that SIOR clients have enjoyed over the years. An added bonus: I consider my fellow SIOR faculty members to be among my closest professional friends.”

The success of SIOR’s educational programs is a testament to the dedication of our instructors. We deeply appreciate these industry leaders who generously serve as the foundation of SIOR education. Without their tireless dedication, SIOR would not be able to host such premier educational programming for the industry. Below are the names and photos of our esteemed instructors — please join us in acknowledging their invaluable contributions to SIOR education.

For more information on our courses and upcoming webinars, please visit our website or contact education@sior.com.





Media Contact
Alexis Fermanis SIOR Director of Communications
Alexis Fermanis
Alexis Fermanis

Alexis Fermanis is SIOR’s Senior Marketing and Communications Director, overseeing SIOR’s digital brand, website, print and email communications, and overall marketing strategy. She is also Editor-in-Chief for the SIOR Report.